Die Streaming-Box Nvidia Shield TV (zum Testbericht) wird ab sofort mit einem neuen Upgrade auf Shield Experience 8.1.1 versorgt. Es enthält Fehlerbehebungen, die zur Verbesserung und Stabilität des Produktes beiträgt, sowie die Kompatibilität mit anderen Home-Entertainment-Geräten verbessert.
Neben dem Xbox Elite 2 Controller, unterstützt die Streaming-Box neu auch Sanskrit USB-DACs. Ausserdem kann die Channels DVR-App neu auch Inhalte direkt auf ein NAS speichern. Zusätzlich wird Plex mit dem Update aktualisiert und im Changelog weist NVIDIA nochmals auf die Unterstützung für Amazon Alexa hin. Das gab es so weit ich weiss aber schon mit dem letzten Update.
Für die Gamer unter uns: Es gibt neue Games. Nativ sind Jack Box Party Pack 6, Asphalt 9 und Brick Breaker mit dabei. Via GeForce NOW lassen sich neu Cuisine Royale, Darksiders Genesis, Deliver Us The Moon: Fortuna und AVICII Invector spielen. Bezüglich GeForce NOW gibt es gute Neuigkeiten für Nutzer der Shield TV.
Alle SHIELD-Besitzer können mit der kostenlosen GeForce-Mitgliedschaft Spiele über ihr SHIELD TV Gerät spielen. Um bevorzugten Zugang zu den Servern sowie längere Sessions zu erhalten, besteht für einen begrenzten Zeitraum die Möglichkeit ihre kostenlose GeForce-NOW-Mitgliedschaft auf die Founders-Mitgliedschaft zu upgraden.
Weitere detaillierte Optimierungen und Verbesserungen gibt es in englischer Sprache:
Bug Fixes/Enhancements:
- Resolves issues detecting Dolby Vision on some Sony, Vizio, and Phillips TVs
- Resolves cast playback issues when switching between HDR and SDR content
- Fixes bug where screensaver would not be displayed in Netflix
- Resolves issue where „Match Color Space“ was not working properly on some TVs Reduces occurrences of red flashes when watching Dolby Vision content
- Fixes bug where „Match frame rate“ would not work on Dolby Vision content
- Resolves brightness issue when playing Dolby Vision content on some Vizio TVs
- Disabling „Fixed Volume“ will now disable Dolby audio processing
- Fixes bug where Atmos streams would still be detected even if non-Atmos content is played
- Resolves issue where audio would not be heard on Vizio TVs when streaming from VUDU/Movies Anywhere
- Adds 16-bit DAC support for Dolby Decoded content
- Resolves issue where audio passthrough was not available over USB DAC on 3rd party apps like KODI
- Fixes bug when manually setting „Audio formats“ would not be applied
- Resolves audio routing issues when using multiple USB devices (e.g. webcam + USB DAC)
- Adds support for Sanskrit USB DAC
- Resolves issue where PCM would be streamed if Dolby ATMOS is manually selected in „Available Formats“
- Displays correct audio stream name under and adds detection support for EAC_JOC(DD+) streams (Settings -> Status-> HDMI ->Audio Mode)
- Fixes issue where audio would not play after enabling PCM output only mode (Available formats)
- Fixes stability issues when connecting to SHIELD from PC over network
- Fixes bug where soft reboot would be seen when „Restart Wi-Fi“ was selected
- Adds support for XBOX Elite 2 controller
- Add bluetooth support for WeChip G30 remote
- Adds IR volume control support for Logitech Z906 speaker system
- Fixes crash issues when accessory update notification is seen
- Fixes bug where IR control setup would fail on Samsung AVR/soundbars
- Resolves issue where remote locater would not work when SHIELD is asleep
- Fixes bug where IR control would not function when Talkback is enabled
- Fixes SHIELD Remote 2019 where battery would drain quickly when IR control enabled
- Resolves issue where „send Menu command to app“ was not working properly
- Fixes bug where IR volume control would not work when enabled
- Resolves pointer issue when using RS mouse on network captive portal registration
- Fixes rare bug where pressing power button would not sleep SHIELD if video is playing
- Improves SHIELD stability when connecting multiple Bluetooth devices
- Fixes bug where „Dolby Vision“ quick setting is not updated according to display setting
- Channels DVR app can now store recorded content over NAS
- Resolves issue where pre-installed apps would disappear
- Fixes issue where long press home would not bring up NVIDIA Share
- Fixes bug where settings would crash when selecting system language
- Adds message informing user AI upscaling not available on rooted/unlocked devices
- Resolves issue where „Ok Google“ hotword activation requires reboot
- Resolves rare bug where Netflix would crash when invoking app switcher (double press home)
- Improves text when displaying most recent SHIELD wake event (Settings -> About -> Status -> Uptime)